Page:As others saw Him.djvu/77

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put such questions to him that he cannot evade, and find out to which of our parties he belongs; for this is a man that is getting great weight with the people, and it imports us to know where he stands with regard to us." So it was determined among us that the next morning a Sadducee and a Pharisee should put to him queries which should determine what views he held on the great questions which distinguished the two great parties of the State.

But that very afternoon I was to learn that this Jesus had to deal with questions with which none of our parties concerned themselves. For, as I was coming near to Gethsemane, I met Jesus with a band of men and women going out towards Bethany, and I passed them with the salutation of "Peace." But as I passed, a young man whom I knew, that had recently come into great possessions upon the death of his father, came up and asked, "Who is that man whom thou hast just greeted?" and I said, "Jesus the Nazarene." Then, suddenly, he set off running to catch them up, and being curious, I turned and fol-