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§ 4. The Senate shall consist of twelve members, to be chosen annually by the electors.

§ 5. At the meetings of the electors, held in the several towns in this state in April annually, after the election of Representatives, the electors present shall be called upon to bring in their written ballots for Senators. The presiding officer shall receive the votes of the electors, and count and declare them in open meeting. The presiding officer shall also make duplicate lists of the persons voted for, and of the number of votes for each, which shall be certified by the presiding officer; one of which lists shall be delivered to the Town Clerk, and the other within ten days after said meeting, shall be delivered under seal, either to the Secretary, or to the Sheriff of the County in which said town is situated; which list shall be directed to the Secretary, with a superscription expressing the purport of the contents thereof. And each Sheriff who shall receive such votes shall within fifteen days after said meeting, deliver, or cause them to be delivered to the Secretary.

§ 6. The Treasurer, Secretary and Controller, for the time being shall canvass the votes publicly. The twelve persons having the greatest number of votes for Senators, shall be declared to be elected. But in cases where no choice is made by the electors in consequence of an equality of votes, the House of Representatives shall designate by ballot which of the candidates having such equal number of votes, shall be declared to be elected. The return of votes, and the result of the canvass, shall be