Page:Bad wife (2).pdf/5

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In vain your captive flies.
Then why such anger cherish?
Why turn those eyes away?
For if they bid me perish,
Alas! I must obey.

Could deeds my heart discover,
Could valour gain those charms,
I'd prove myself your lover
Against the world in arms.
Proud fair, thus low before you
A prostrate warrior see,
Whose love, delight, and glory,
Are center'd all in thee.


Blythe was the day when he fee'd wi‘ my father O,
Happy was the time when we herded together O;
Sweet were the hours when he row‘d me in his plaidie O,
And vow’d to be mine my dear Highland Laddie O.

But a wae's me wi' their sodgeridg sae greedy O,
The laird's ta'en awa my braw Highland Laddie O;

Misty are the glens and the dark hills are cloudy