Page:Bart'lemy fair.pdf/7

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'Twas Jack; he chased all her alarms
He kicked Pest down the stairs,
Then, hast'hing to her longing arms,
He banish'd all her cares;
His children to his heart he press'd,
Bid joy again revive:
While Nancy cried, 'I'm truly bless'd,
Thank heaven, my Jack's alive.

Tune, 'The Lee Rigg.'

O I hae seen when fields were green,
And birds sae blythe and cheerie, O,
How swift the day wad pass away.
When I was wi' my dearie, O:
But now I neither laugh nor sing,
My looks are alter'd cleanlie, O;
I'll never like a lass again,
Since I hae lost my Jeanie, O.

Now I maun grane an' greet my lane,
An' never ane to heed me, O;
My claes, that ay were neat an' clean,
Can scarce be said to cleed me, O;
My heart is sair, my elbows bare,
My pouch without a guinea, O;
I'll never taste o' pleasure mair,
Since I hae lost my Jeanie, O.