Page:Baseball Joe on the School Nine.djvu/37

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came once more to the attack, pouring in a destructive rain of white balls on the defenders of the snow fort. But this resulted partly in disaster for the attacking foe, as several of their number were captured.

"At 'em again!" ordered Joe, after a slight repulse. "We can capture that place!"

Once more they swarmed to the attack, and with very good effect, delivering such a rattling volley of balls, that the defenders were thrown into confusion, and could not send back an answering fire quickly enough.

"Swarm the walls! Swarm the walls!" yelled Joe.

He and his lads scrambled up, their pockets filled with balls. Down upon the hapless foe they threw them, and in another moment the fort would have been theirs.

"Repel boarders! Repel boarders!" sang out Hiram. "Come on, fellows, give 'em an extra dose!"

Joe saw the bully, and Luke, his crony, rush to a corner of the fort and take something from a wooden box. The next instant several lads uttered cries of real pain, as they felt the missiles of almost solid ice hit them. Joe undestood at once.