Page:Bedford-Jones--Boy Scouts of the Air at Cape Peril.djvu/114

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The Boy Scouts of the Air

"Ha! ha!" said Cat and Jimmy echoed.

"Now, you, William Tell," said the joker, handing the pistol to the little chap, after a fresh apple had been placed in position. "Your shot!"

The short fellow cocked his eye, fired, missed his goal in all three attempts, but created considerable stir in a sand bank beyond. Miller followed, and, after two misses, nicked his apple. He beamed with satisfaction, swelled visibly and crowed over his companion.

Before an hour's practice was over, however, both the lads, though they had not quite attained the mosquito-winging stage, had improved tremendously, and their instructor, seemingly greatly gratified with his pupils, suggested getting the tackle together and making for the seaplane.