Page:Bedford-Jones--Boy Scouts of the Air at Cape Peril.djvu/14

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The Boy Scouts of the Air

red rag does a bull. Redhot times those were, you bet."

"Pretty lively times now," remarked Legs soberly. "Going up in an airplane ain't so slow. Say, Cat, pity about you!"

Cat winked one eye and then the other and grinned knowingly as if he were possessed of an important and highly amusing secret which he was inwardly enjoying.

"Look here, fellows," he said finally, "I'm not sore because you two drew the plane this time." And then he added in a low and mysterious tone, "Know sumpthin'? I've been up in one already."

"Yes, you have!" returned Jimmy sarcastically. "Over the left!"

"Yes, I have," affirmed Cat staunchly. "I cross my heart, and I can prove it just as soon as we get back to town."

Jimmy snorted derision.

"Come off, Cat," objected Legs. "You know you couldn't have kept that secret five minutes."

"Believe it or not, I don't give a hang," snapped Cat sourly, "but listen to this, will you?"