Page:Bedford-Jones--Boy Scouts of the Air at Cape Peril.djvu/140

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The Boy Scouts of the Air

moment. "That's what I thought. These oysters are about two hundred years old. Blackbeard may have put 'em here to cover up some treasure, and then he hid 'em with sand, and they've been covered up all this time till the wind blew it off lately. Here's where my dream comes true, see?"

And back he went to his digging.

"Quit wasting your time, and let's go on home," urged Jimmy.

But Cat, vigorously plying his implement and sending the sand and shells flying in every direction, was not to be moved. Jimmy and Luke resigned themselves to looking on idly.

Suddenly the worker's shovel struck something hard, and the excited delver reached down and drew forth, not a treasure chest, but a piece of broken pottery. This he cast aside with a look of disgust and proceeded with his digging. A few moments of work brought to view a rotten plank, and when this was raised there appeared, to the amazement of all, charred bones and bits of charcoal.

"Bones," announced Cat as he picked up one of the fragments with a puzzled look and vague