Page:Bedford-Jones--Boy Scouts of the Air at Cape Peril.djvu/171

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At Cape Peril

"Thank heaven!" he exclaimed, seizing Miller's arm and directing his attention to a quick succession of rockets. "That means they've seen the light and got their bearings. Thank God!"

A little later the same signal appeared once more.

"See! see!" Turner shouted against the wind. "No mistake. It's all right. Now they can haul off and keep from being pounded to pieces. We've saved 'em. Thank God! "

"Going to Cape Peril?" asked Cat, as they jogged on again.

"Straight as I can make it," was the answer. "If I have to fight a whirlwind to get there."

"Don't you s'pose some of the fishermen have gone over?" suggested Jimmy, hopefully.

"Not counting on anything. More than likely they're all sound asleep and haven't seen a thing. I'm not taking any chances. Something's happened to Buffum and my business is to see what it is."

Until the party reached Seagulls' Nest nothing more was said, for, with heads down and running against the blast, talking was difficult.