Page:Bedford-Jones--Boy Scouts of the Air at Cape Peril.djvu/229

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At noon, Hardy burst into Turner's room at Seagulls' Nest with a loud exclamation. There lay the Tarheel on his bed with most of his clothes on, fast asleep. It took some pretty strenuous shakes to arouse him.

"Wake up here, and tell me what's happened," demanded the newcomer.

"Hardy!" exclaimed the aroused man, sitting up.

"I'm Hardy, all right. It's twelve o'clock, man, and everything in this establishment asleep as the dead. I broke in here and found Luke still hitting it off; then I rushed up stairs and hammered the boys' door—locked and not a sound, then there was Jimmy asleep on my bed, and here you are in the same condition."

"How did you get here?" asked Turner, now wide awake.

"Tell you in a minute as soon as you explain yourself."