Page:Bedford-Jones--Boy Scouts of the Air at Cape Peril.djvu/255

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At Cape Peril

"Now the next of this gang that the poet will chat on,
Is a fellow who's known for keeping his Hatt-on;
In meat, he is rich and in brains he is rare,
And, as to his legs, he has nothing to spare;
He has aeroed by day and motored by night,
Though everyone saw he was pallid with fright."

This brought whoops from Cat and Jimmy and a slightly pained look from the sensitive Legs.

"Cheer up, Legs, and listen to the dose Jimmy gets:

"Now here's to that bold young adventurer Jimmy,
Though he's long on his tongue he can't be called limby;
The wind and the waves had to give him a wide row,
When he jumped over Herring one night in a hydro;
And now, meeting people, he tries hard to stuff 'em,
By claiming he's rescued a sailor named Buffum."

Jimmy here got all that was coming to him from his two chums, and the ginger-ale went its way merrily.

"Now, look here, fellows," exhorted Hardy, "Hope you didn't take that seriously? I meant just the opposite, didn't I, Turner? You're the swellest lot of chaps I know, but I just wanted to see how you'd take a little merry knocking.