Page:Bedford-Jones--Boy Scouts of the Air at Cape Peril.djvu/258

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The Boy Scouts of the Air

"One second, " insisted the "writer, as he added a final word to his composition. "Listen to this," he added, rising and holding the sheet of paper out in front of him.

"Golly, it's some of that limber Rick stuff," noted Legs, peeping over.

"We sure are getting poetry showers to-day. Sing on, oh muse!" Cat baited him.

"Shut up, listen," demanded Jimmy, "and then I'm with you—

"The Seaboard Airline Patrol
Has rescued a yacht from a shoal;
It has swatted a shark;
Winged a crook, on a lark,
And copped a Chief's bones in a hole."

"That's not rough on you like Hardy's stuff," approved Cat. "We'll send that to the paper for that write-up. Now, for home, boy, home and glory!"

And a few minutes later, the three merry scouts were having a hilarious time of it in the motor speeding homeward.