Page:Bedford-Jones--Boy Scouts of the Air at Cape Peril.djvu/81

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At Cape Peril

with a friend of mine and pick you up on my way home this afternoon. Got to carry a lighthouse doctor from here to Kitty Hawk about forty miles further. How about it? Quick, right off the bat!"

The suddenness of the invitation staggered Legs and almost floored him.

"Want me to go?" Then after a second's hesitation. "Sure I'll go. You bet I'd like to go," said the lad, too flattered by the honor to feel much nervousness over the adventure.

"That's what I call a man! Now, come on, help me to throw some plunder into a bag."

"How 'bout calling the other fellows?" suggested the boy, on the track of the scurrying birdman.

"Hang the other fellows! We haven't got time to fool with them. Chase yourself."

In high feather, yet quivering from excitement, Legs kept at Hardy's heels as the man grabbed a small satchel from a shelf, rushed to the pantry and shoveled into the receptacle, without a word of explanation to the petrified Luke, some remains of the last evening's feast, then dashed upstairs for an aviator's coat for