Page:Beds of roses (1).pdf/7

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SINCE honour has attended upon the marriage state,
And from the torch of Hymen our happiness we date,
If e’er the Fates ordain it that I should be a wife,
The picture I will draw of the partner of my life.
Then I’d litre no longer single,
Could but my influence,
A conquest gain o’er such a swain,
Endu’d with common sense,
Then I’d live no longer single.

The fop, beau & fribble, cou’d ne’er myfancytake,
Nor yet did I admir- the rattle-headed rake, (brave,
To guard himself from insult, I’d have him bold &
To wink at little foibles that I may chance to have.
Then I’d live no longer single, &c.

His person in proportion, more robust than fine,
A fort of easy carelessness deportment to decline;
And affably Sc candidly share all my joys & cares,
And give me my prerogative in family affairs.
Then I’d live no longer single, &c

His conversation fraught with endearing sentiment,
Free from the pedant stiffness, & rude impertinent,
In his lawful dealings, let honour still preside.
Frugal in economy, let prudence be his guide.
Then I’d live no longer single, &c.

His principles untainted, his morals just & found,
And one in whom the distaste of honesty is found;
I value not the glaring of wealth and pageantry,
But plac’d above necessity is just enough for me,
Then I’d live no longer single, &c.