Page:Beowulf (Wyatt).djvu/134

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2550Lēt ðā of brēostum,  ðā hē gebolgen wæs,
Weder-Gēata lēod  word ūt faran,
stearc-heort styrmde;  stefn in becōm
heaðo-torht hlynnan  under hārne stān;
hete wæs onhrēred,  hord-weard oncnīow
2555mannes reorde;  næs ðǣr māra fyrst
frēode tō friclan.  From ǣrest cwōm
oruð āglǣcean  ūt of stāne,
hāt hilde-swāt;  hrūse dynede.
Biorn under beorge  bord-rand onswāf
2560wið ðām gryre-gieste,  Gēata dryhten;
ðā wæs hring-bogan  heorte gefȳsed
sæcce tō sēceanne.  Sweord ǣr gebrǣd
gōd gūð-cyning,  gomele lāfe,
ecgum unslaw;[1]  ǣghwæðrum wæs
2565bealo-hycgendra  *brōga fram ōðrum.Fol. 187a.
Stīð-mōd gestōd  wið stēapne rond
winia bealdor,  ðā se wyrm gebēah
snūde tōsomne;  hē on searwum bād.
Gewāt ðā byrnende  gebogen scrīðan,
2570tō gescipe scyndan.[2]  Scyld wel gebearg
līfe ond līce  lǣssan hwīle
mǣrum þēodne,  þonne his myne sōhte,
ðǣr hē þȳ fyrste  forman dōgore
wealdan mōste,  swā him wyrd ne gescrāf
2575hrēð æt hilde.  Hond ūp ābrǣd

  1. 2564. MS. ‘un/glaw.’ “A letter erased between l and a in glaw: that it was e is not quite certain.”—Z. As there is all the appearance of an uncompleted alteration, I have adopted Bugge’s emendation.
  2. 2570. MS. ‘ḡ scipe.’ Heyne adopts Mūllenhoff’s emendation, ‘scrīðan tō,/gescīfe scyndan,’ shoving himself, advancing, which the latter' bases on a gloss, “per praeceps, niðerscife [?], marg. niðerscēotende” (Haupt ix. 468 b).