Page:Beowulf (Wyatt).djvu/60

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Ðǣr wæs on blōdebrim weallende,
atol ȳða geswingeal gemenged
hāton heolfre,[1]*heoro-drēore, wēol;Fol 148b.
850dēað-fǣge dēog,siððan drēama lēas
in fen-freoðofeorh ālegde,
hǣþene sāwle;þǣr him hel onfēng.
Þanon eft gewitoneald-gesīðas,
swylce geong manigof gomen-wāþe,
855fram mere mōdgemēarum rīdan,
beornas on blancum.Ðǣr wæs Bēowulfes
mǣrðo mǣned;monig oft gecwæð,
þætte sūð ne norðbe sǣm twēonum
ofer eormen-grundōþer nǣnig
860under swegles begongsēlra nǣre
rond-hæbbendra,rīces wyrðra.
Ne hīe hūru wine-drihtenwiht ne lōgon,
glædne Hrōðgār,ac þǣt wæs gōd cyning.
Hwīlum heaþo-rōfehlēapan lēton,
865on geflit faran,fealwe mēaras,
ðǣr him fold-wegasfægere þūhton,
cystum cūðe.Hwīlum cyninges þegn,
guma gilp-hlæden,gidda gemyndig,
sē ðe eal-felaeald-gesegena
870worn gemunde,word ōþer fand
sōðe gebunden.[2]Secg eft ongan
sīð Bēowulfessnyttrum *styrian,Fol. 149a.
ond on spēd wrecanspel gerāde,
wordum wrixlan;wel-hwylc gecwæð,

  1. 849. MS. ‘hat on heolfre,’ and so Wülcker. Grein ‘hatan’ = hāton in the text. The reading in the text is much easier than that of the MS., and l. 1423 turns the probability in its favour.
  2. 870—1. Rieger and Bugge put ‘word…gebunden’ in a parenthesis.