Page:Betty Gordon at Boarding School.djvu/151

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might have stopped you. Go on—what happened to your silly bottle?"

"I buried it," repeated Libbie, "and two days after I went out and dug it up. And there was an answer in it."

"What did it say?" demanded Betty practically.

"I've got it here——" Libbie reached under her pillow and pulled out a slip of paper.

"It says 'Leave ten dollars in this same place to-night, or Mrs. Eustice shall hear of this.' And, of course," concluded Libbie, "I put ten dollars in the bottle, because whoever found it had the slip with my name on it to show Mrs. Eustice."

Betty studied the paper. The handwriting was a strong backhand, not at all an illiterate hand.

"Oh, dear, what shall I do?" wailed Libbie. "He keeps asking for more, and I won't have any money till the first of the month. I only meant to do like the girl in the book—have a thrilling unknown correspondent. I never knew he would ask for money! Suppose he is a horrid, dirty tramp and he comes and tells Mrs. Eustice he found my note? I should die of shame!"

"I'll have the money ready for you in the morning," said Betty firmly. "I have that much.