Page:Biblical Libraries (Richardson).djvu/255

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sors, then of the quaestors, then of prefects.

There was at this time besides in Rome an archive in the Atrium of Liberty with the public library of Pollio and there were sundry others, one of the most famous of them being that of the Templum Sacrae Urbis, which was built just after the death of St. Paul, by Vespasian (78 A.D.) and remained practically intact until 1632 A.D.

The next stage of Roman public library history, after Tiberius, was the "Library of Peace" founded by Vespasian. It is commonly said that we have no further knowledge of it than its mention, but Vespasian's Archive was in the Forum of Peace and there is every reason to suppose from the history of library-archives everywhere that, like the library and archive of the "Hall of Liberty," they were one and the same as to building and perhaps as to keepers. In this case we have the
