Page:Bibliography of the Sanskrit Drama.djvu/75

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Q. Hindustani. Sakuntala translated into Hindustani from a Hindi version by Kazim *Ali Jawan. Lucknow, 1875, PP- 31.

R. Tamil. Sakuntala. Traduction de la Version tamoule [by Ramacandra or Rajanallur] par Gerard Deveze. In Revue de Linguistique, 19.(1886), pp. 269-292, 361-380; 20 (1887), pp. 68-78, 1 14-129, 257-272, 352-376; 21 (1888), pp. 48-53.

S. Telugu . Sakuntala. A new version in Telugu prose and verse by D. S. Pantulu. Madras, 1898, pp. 122.

Criticism. Notes on Sakuntala. In Bengali, English, and Sanskrit. Calcutta, 1895, pp. 323.

Berchet, Giovanni, Saggio sul dramma indiano la Sacontala, ossia r Anello Fatale, di Calidasa. Milan (?), 1 8 1 8. [In the Conciliate re under pseudonym of Grisostomo.]

Bohtlingk, Otto von. Einige Nachtrage zu meiner Ausgabe der Ring-f akuntala. In Bulletin de la classe des sciences his- toriques, philosophiques et politiques de I'Academie de St. Petersbourg, 2, p. 119.

Bollensen, Fr. Die Recensionen der Sakuntala. In Nachrichten der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen, June 23, 1880.

Borooah, Anundoram. A Companion to the Sanskrit-reading Undergraduates of Calcutta University, Part 4, on the Abhijnana Sakuntala of Kalidasa. Calcutta, 1878, pp. 6+58.

Burkhard, C, Die Ka^mirer f akuntala-Handschrift, Vienna, 1884, pp, 163.

Burkhard, C, Lectiones codicis f akuntali Bikanlrensis. Vienna, 1882, pp, 16, Progr. d. Franz-Josephs Gymn.

Burkhard, C, Flexiones Pracriticae quas editioni suae Sacuntali pro supplemento adjecit, Breslau, 1874, pp. 9-1-41.

Chezy, A, L. Notes et corrections supplementaires pour Tedition in 4° du drame indien de Calidasa intitule La Reconaissance de Sacountala donnee en 1830. Paris, 183 1, pp, 49.

Cappeller, C. [Review of the editions of the Sakuntala by Pischel and Williams, and of the translations by Riickert and Fritze] in Jenaer Literaturzeitung, 1877, Art. 117.