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87 The Passover Haggadah

The city of Jericho crashed on Pesah; Midian succumbed through a barley-cake on Pesah; Assyria’s mighty hosts were consumed on Pesah;

This is the feast of Pesah.

Sennacherib fied from the siege on Pesah; A hand inscribed Babylon’s doom on Pes

Feasting Babylon was conquered on Pesah;

This is the feast of Pesah.

Esther imposed a three-day fast on Pesah; Thou didst cause the hanging of Haman on Pe

Doubly wilt thou punish our foes on Pesah; Let thy might free us on the night of Pesah;

This is the feast of Pesah.


Glorious in kingship, truly supreme, His legions sing to him: “Thine, only thine, © Lord, is the glory and the majesty.”

Hymns of praise are his due.

mx the people of Edom, referred to as the inhabitants of yw YW" (Lamentations 4:21). qym mn ,7P yn is from Psalm 89:14, and > an vipna is taken from Isaiah 30:29,

nowna PIX, an alphabetical acrostic of unidentified authorship is men- tioned in the thirteenth century work y’atn, section 99, by a disciple of Rabbi Meir of Rothenburg. The refrain alludes to soveral biblical verses: 71 79 (Psalm 65:2, “Itis fitting to praise thee... .and unto thee the vow is fulfilled”); 3b 02 7 (I Chronicles 29:11, “Thine, O Lord, is the greatn for all that is in heaven and on carth is thine; thine, O Lord, is the kingdom . . .”); 7? AK 72 (Psalm 89:12, “The heavens are thine, the earth also is thine”). The ‘expression 1219 °3 is based on Jeremiah 10:7 cane 49°,