Page:Birnbaum Haggadah.pdf/111

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97 The Passover Haggadah

Who knows eleven? I know eleven! Eleven are the stars in Joseph’s dream; Ten are the divine commandments; Nine are the months to childbirth; Fight are the days to brith milah; Seven are the days of the week;

Six are the parts of the Mishnah; Five are the books of the Torah; Four are the mothers of Israel; Three are the fathers of Israel;

‘Two are the tablets of the covenant; One is our God in heaven and earth.

Who knows ttvelve? I know twelve! Twelve are the tribes of Israel; Eleven are the stars in Joseph’s dream; Ten are the divine commandments; Nine are the months to childbirth; Eight are the days to brith milah; Seven are the days of the week;

Six are the parts of the Mishnah; Five are the books of the Torah; Four are the mothers of Israel; Three are the fathers of Israel;

Two are the tablets of the covenant; One is our God in heaven and earth.

Who knows thirteen? I know thirteen! Thirteen are the divine qualities; Twelve are the tribes of Israel;

Eleven are the stars in Joseph’s dream; Ten are the divine commandment Nine are the months of childbirth Eight are the days to brith milah; Seven are the days of the week; Six are the parts of the Mishnah; Five are the books of the Torah; Four are the mothers of Israel; Three are the fathers of Israel; Two are the tablets of the covenant; One is our God in heaven and earth.

the mention of the thirteen di

(13) in this song, which concludes qualities.