Page:Birnbaum Haggadah.pdf/41

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35 The Passover Haggadah And oppressed us, as it is written: “They set taskmasters over them to oppress them with heavy labor; the people of Israel built Pithom and Raamses as treasure cities for Pharaoh.”* They imposed hard labor upon us, as itis written: “They imposed strenuous labor upon the people of Isracl.”?

“We cried to the Lord God of our fathe! the Lord heard our ery and saw our affliction, our trouble, and our oppression.”

We cried to the Lord God of our fathers, as it is written: “In the the course of those many days the king of Egypt died; the people of Israel moaned because of their servitude and cried for hel; ery out of bondage reached God.”


The Lord heard our cry, as it is written: “God heard their moaning; God remembered his covenant with A and with Jacob.”

And saw our affliction, that is, the enforced separation of hus- band and wife, as it is written: “God saw the people of Israel and God knew their plight.”*

Our trouble refers to the drowning of the children, as it is written: “Every son that is born to the Hebrews you shall throw into the Nile, but you shall let every daughter live.””

aham, with Isaae,

Our oppression means the persecution, as it is written: “I have seen how the Egyptians are persecuting them.”’

by their leaders to stop propagating the race (Ginzberg, Legends, V, 304). Eventually they followed Amram’s example and reoayod their mari lations, both versions assert.

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‘Exodus 1:11, 13. *Deuteronomy 26:7. “Exodus 2:23-25. 7 Hrodus 1:22; 3:9. �