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55 The Passover Haggadah


When three men or more have eaten together, the following is used as an introduetion to the grace. The word in parentheses is included when 4 minyan is present.

Leader: Gentlemen, let us say grace. Company, then Leader: Blessed be the name of the Lord henceforth and forever. Leader:

With your consent, let us now bless (our) God whose food we have eaten. Company, then Leader

Blessed be (our) God whose food we have eaten and through

whose goodness we live. All: Blessed be he and blessed be his name.

Blessed art thou, Lord our God, King of the universe, who sustainest the whole world with goodness, kindness and mercy. Thou givest food to all creatures, for thy mercy endures forever. ‘Through thy abundant goodness we have never yet been in wan may we never be in want of sustenance for thy great name's sake. ‘Thou, O God, sustainest all, doest good to all, and providest food for all the creatures thou hast created. Blessed art thou, O Lord, who dost sustain all.

We thank thee, Lord our God, for having given a lovely and spacious land to our fethers as a heritage; for having taken us out, Lord our God, from the land of Egypt and freed us from the house

Jian roma is of high antiquity. According to the Talmud, the first bene- iction of grace after meals (ym was composed by Moses, the second qi by Joshua, the third «any by David and Solomon, and the fourth caroam arom by the sages shortly after Bar Kokhba’s defeat (Berakhoth 48b). The petiti beginning with yoann are later additions. The third benediction ends with Jax s0 as to mark the end of the three benedictions which are based on the biblical command: “You shall cat nd you shall bless the Lord for the good Tand he has given you” (Deuteronomy 8:10).