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75 The Passover Haggadah

our God and God of our fathers, for one thousandth of the count- less millions of favors which thou hast conferred on our fathers and on us. Thou hast delivered us from Egypt, Lord our God, and redeemed us from slavery. Thou hast nourished us in famine and provided us with plenty. Thou hast rescued us from the sword, made us escape the plague, and freed us from severe and diseases. Until now thy mercy has helped us, and thy kindnes not abandoned us; mayest thou, Lord our God, never forsake us.

‘Therefore, the limbs which thou hast branched out in us, the spirit and soul which thou hast breathed into our nostrils, and the tongue which thou hast placed in our mouth, shall all thank and bless, praise and glorify, extol and reve: homage to thy name, our King. Indeed, every mouth shall praise thee; every tongue shall vow allegiance to thee; every knee shall bend to thee, and every person shall bow before thee. All hearts shall revere thee, and men’s inmost being shall sing to thy name, as it is written: “All my being shall say: O Lord, who is like thee? ‘Thou savest the poor man from one that is stronger, the poor and needy from one who would rob him,”' Who is like thee, who is equal to thee, who can be compared to thee, O great, mighty and revered God, supreme God, Master of heaven and earth? We will praise, laud and glorify thee and bless thy holy name, as it is said by David: “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and let my whole being bless his holy name.”*

Thou art God in thy tremendous power, great in thy glorious name, mighty forever and revered for thy awe-inspiring acts; thou, O King, art seated upon a high and lofty throne.

Thou who abidest forever, exalted and holy is thy name. It 1s written: “Rejoice in the Lord, you righteous; it is fitting for the upright to give praise.”*

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‘ay pw is borrowed from Isaiah 57:15, The initials of the four synonyms for “righteous” in ge *ba happen to form the acrostie phx»; by re-arranging the verbs Sonn ,eypnn ann ,porinn the third letters spell mp3. Such re~ arrangement is found in the Sephardic Siddur.

+Psalm 35:10. *Psalm 103:1. *Psalm 33:1. �