Page:Birnbaum Haggadah.pdf/89

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1 The Passover Haggadah

By the mouth of the upright thou art praised; By the words of the righteous thou art blessed; By the tongue of the faithful thou art extolled; And among the holy thou art sanctified.

In the assemblies of the tens of thousands of thy people, the house of Israel, with ringing song shall thy name, our King, be glorified in every generation; for this is the duty of all creatures towards thee, Lord our God and God of our fathers, to thank and praise, laud and glorify, extol and honor, bless and exalt, even beyond all the songs of praise by David, son of Jesse, thy anointed servant.

Praised be thy name forever, our King, great and holy God and King, in heaven and on earth; for to thee, Lord our God and God of our fathers, pertain song and praise, hymn and psalm, power and dominion, victory, greatness and might, renown and glory, holiness and kingship, blessings and thanks, henceforth and forever. Blessed art thou, O Lord, most exalted God and King, Lord of wonders, who art pleased with hymns, thou God and King, the life of the universe.

Over the fourth cup of wine:

Blessed art thou, Lord our God, King of the universe, who createst the fruit of the vine.

After the fourth cup:

Blessed art thou, Lord our God, King of the universe, for the fruit of the vine and produce of the field, for the lovely and spacious land which thou didst grant to our fathers as a heritage to eat of its fruit and enjoy its good gifts, Have merey, Lord our God, on Israel thy people, on Jerusalem thy city, on Zion the abode of thy majesty, on thy altar and thy shrine. Rebuild the holy city of Jerusalem speedily in our days. Bring us there and gladden us with the restoration of our land; may we cat of its fruit and enjoy its good gifts; may we bless thee for it in holiness and purity. (Be

Tt has been suggested that the name of the author of Yishtabal was Solomon, since the initial letters of the words bxn won “yd “Jaw form the acrostic maby. According to some, the fifteen synonyms of praise correspond to the fifteen psalms known as nivyan 79,