Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/147

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BLOCK. A square or portion of a city or town iuclosed by streets, whether parilnlly or vihully occupied by buildings 01' miitniiiing only vacant lots. Ottawa v. Bar- IN)’ 10 lion. 270; Fraser v. Ott, 95 Cal. ljlil. 30 Pac. 793; State v. Deities. 44 La. .\lllL 16-1, 10 South ".)’i; Todd v. R;:iilroad L'n.. 78 III. 530; Harrison v. People, 193 llL -1645, 63 N. 131 191.

{{anchor+|.|BLOCK 0!‘ SURVEYS. In Pennsylva- nia liind law. Any considerable body oi! contiguous tracts surveyed In the name of the s.ime warrantee, without regard to the iimniier in which they were oi'l:zlni1l1y loculed; a body of contiguous tracts located by exterior lines, but not separated from crich other by interior lines. Morrison v. Seiimau, 183 Pa. 74, 38 Atl. 710; Ferguson v. BIOOIJJ. 141 Pa. 5-19, 23 Ati. 49.

{{anchor+|.|BLOCKADE. In international law. A mnilue investment or beieaguerlng of a town or hiirbor. A sort of circuinvtiilation round ii place by which all foreign connection and il)l'l't.‘S|iDll(lEDL'e is, as far as human power (an effect it. to be cut ofi. 1 C. Rob. Adm. I51. it is not necessary. however, that the 1-Lice should be invested by land, as well as lly sea. in order to constitute a legal block- ade: and, if a place be biockaded by sea only. It is no violation of belligerent rights for the neutral to carry on commerce with ltb_vIn1-and communications. 1 Kent, Comm. 1-17.

‘rim uctual investment of a port or place by a ii-stile in-‘co fully competent. under ordinary cir- lT|'l1\<i‘;iiJ\t’ . to cut elf all communication there vii). >u arranged or disposed as to be able to uppiv its force to every point of practicable ac- Iva or approach to the port or place so invest- "; liuuvicr The Olinde Iimlrignes (D. C.) 91 Fed. 274: III 174 U. S. 510, 15) Sup. Ct. S51, ’ . 1 U. S. v. The William Arthur, , The l‘etofhoE, 6 "all. 50, , Grinnan v. Edwards, 21 W. Va.

it is called :1 "blockade rie facto" when ihe usuiil notice of the blockade has not been mun to the neutral powers by the govern- im-ut Lansing the investment, in consequence --f \"ll(‘ii the hl(IC1§fi[Iil'ig sI]u'id.ron has to imrn oil all approaching vessels.

—Pnper blockade. The state of a line of mini proclaimed to be under blockade in time - V.i|', when the irnal force on watch is nut .-uinirnt to repel areal attempt to enler.--Pu'h- I'll: hlccknde. A blockade which is not only es- Iil«'.i.‘n-ii in fact, but. is notified, by the governnu! -ilrecting it. to other governments: us dis- uI..-Hi ed from a simple blockade, which maybe -uiujs ed by a lJ£l\i-ll officer acting upon his nun discretion or under direction of superiors, aluuiit g<wernnieritiil lJOtifi££illOl.\. The (‘irons- nm. 2 ‘ I. 1'0, 17 L. Ed. 798.—Simple blockade. One estahlished by a naval com- uvntl-r acting on his own discretion and re- .-auuibility, or under the direction of a superi- ll -in--r, but without governmental orders or Iélallfllii. The Circiissinn, 2 Wall. 150, 17 L.

{{anchor+|.|BLOOD. Kindred: consanguinity; family reliitioiishlp; relation by descent from a



common ancestor. One person is "of the blood" of another when they are related by lineal descent or collateral kinship. Miller v. Spear. 38 N. J. El]. 572; Deiaplalne V. Jones, 8 N. J. Law, 346; Leigh v. Leigh. 15 Ves. 103; Cummings v. Cummings. 144} Mass. 501, 16 N. E. -101; Swasey v. Jaques, 144 Muss. 13:‘), 10 N. E. 758, 59 Am. Rep. 65.

-1-Inlf-blond. A term denoting the degree of relations ip which exists between those who have the some father or the same mother, but not both parents in comim)n.—Mixed blood. A person is "of mixed hlood" who is descended from ancestois of diiiferent races or nationalitics; but particularly. in the United States, the term denotes a poison one of whose parents (or more remote ancestors) was a negro. See Hop- kins v. Bowers, 111 N. C. 175, 16 S. E. 1.— Whole blood. kinship by descent from the mum fntlii-r nuil mother; as distinguished from half blood, which is the relationship of those who have one paieut in common, but not

{{anchor+|.|BLOOD MONEY. A wercgiid, or pecuniary muict paid by a slayer to the relatives of his victim.

Also used. in a popular sense, as descriptive of money paid by way of reward for the apprehension and conviction of 11 person charged with a capital crime.

{{anchor+|.|BLOOD STAINS, TESTS FOR. Paecn-i'riN ’i‘i«:s'r.


{{anchor+|.|BLOODWIT. shed Cowell.

The privilege of taking such amcrcemenis. Skene.

A privilege or exemption from paying a fine or amerccineut assessed for bloodshed. Cowell.

An amercemeut for blood-

{{anchor+|.|BLOODY HAND. In forest law. The having the hands or other parts bloody, which, In a person caught trespassing in the forest against venison, was due of the four kinds of Cll'CLlll.lSt'lll[ifll eiidence of his having killed deei, although he was not found In the act of chasing or hunting. Mnuivood.

{{anchor+|.|BLUE LAWS. A supposititious code of severe laws for the regulation of religious and personal conduct in the colonies of Connecticut and New Haven; hence any rigid Sunday laws or religious regulations. The assertion by some writers of the existence of tile blue laws hus no other basis than the adoption, by the iirst authorities of the New Haven colony, of the Scriptures as their code of law and government, and their strict

application of Mosaic principles. Century Dict. {{anchor+|.|BOARD. A committee of persons organ-

ized under authority of law in order to exer- cise certsln iiuthorltles. have oversight or control of certain matters, or discharge certain functions of a magisterinl. representative, or fiduciary character. Thus,


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