Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/678

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v.,) it being supposed that the interposition of heaven was directly manifest these cases, in behalf of the innocent. Spelman; Burrill.—Judicium parium. In Old English law. Judgment of the peers; judgment of one's peers; trial by jury. Magna Charta, c. 29.

Judicinm a nun sun judice datum nullius out momenti. 10 Coke, TU. A judgment given by one who is not the proper judge is of no force.

Judicinm est quasi jurin dictum. Judgment is. us it were. a declaration of law.

Judicinm non debet esse illnsurinm; suum eflectum habere debet. A jut ginent ought not to be illusory; it ought to have its proper elfeet. 2 inst. 341.

Judieinm radditur In Invitnm. C0. Liit J1-Sb. Judgment is given against one, whether he will or not.

Judicium (Iemper) pro wetitnte aimi- pitur. A judgment is always taken for truth, [that is, as ioiig as it Stillllls in force ii i.iiiiiiit iii’ uiutruLl.‘iLl'ed.] 2 inst. 380; Co. Liit. 69¢. ltssa.

JUG. In old English law. A Watery place. Domesday; Cowell.

JUGE. in French law. A judge.

—Juge de pnix. .:\n inferior judicial tune- lioimiy, appointed to decide suminiiriiy contro- ii.i‘s1es of minor importance, espetially such us turn mainly on questions of fact. Lie has also the functions of a police magistrate. ——Jnge d‘instruei:inn.

Ferriere. See lNs'rsuo'r1oN.

JUGERUM. An acre. Co. Litt. 51;. As much as a yoke (jugum) of oxen could plow in one day.

JUGULATOR. thiont or murderer.

In old records. A cut- Cowell.

JUGUM. Lat. In the civil law. A yoke; fl nie.isuie of land: as much land as a yoke of oxen could plow in a day. Nov. 17, c. 8.

—Jugnm ten-as. In. old English law. A yoke of land; half a plow-land. Domesday; Co. Liit. 54:; Uowell.

JUICIO. In Spanish law. A trial or suit. "hits, New ltecop. h. 3, tit. 4. IL 1. —-Iuieio de apeo. 'Ihe decree of :1 cuinpetent directing the determining and marking the boundaries of lands or estntcs.—Jn.ieio do

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granted for a debtor who has various Cl'9LiJI.UI'S, or for such creditors, to the effect that their r-lziinis be 5:1 'siiLd according to their respective fun‘ and rnnls. ivii-ii the debtor's estate is not .~ulhi.ient to discharge them all in full. Eecritlis

JUMENT. In old Scotch law. An ox iised for tillage. 1 Pitc. Grim. ‘Tr. pt. 2, 11. S9.

JUMENTA. In the civil law. Beasts of burden; animals used for carrying burdens. This word did not include "oxen." Dig. 32, 65, 5.

JUMP BAIL. To abscond, withdraw, or secrete one's self, in violation of the obliga- ilon of a bail bond. The expression is coi- loqulul, and is applied only to the act of the principal.

JIJNCARIA. In old English law. The soil where rushes grow. 00. Litt. Sn; Cow- ell.

Junctn. juvant. United they aid. A portion of the maxim, "Qua: iion i:izlt.imt sin.- yuliz iimcta iuuimt." (a. v.,) frequently cited. 3 Man. & G. 99.

JUNGER]-I DUELLUM. In old English laiv. '10 join the duclliuii; to engage in the combat. Fieta, lih. 1. c. 21, § 10.

JUNIOR. Younger. This has been held to he no pzirt of a’s name, but .in midition by use, and a convenient distinction between :1 fallier and son of the same name Cohh v. Lucas, 15 Pick. (Mass) 9; People V. Collins, 7 Johns. (N. Y.) 552; Pad,;ctt V. Lawrence, 10 Paige (N. Y.) 177, 40 Am. Dec. 2:32; Prentiss v. Blake. 3-1 Vt. 460. —JIuiiur right. A custom prevalent in some parts of England (also at some places on the continent) by vihich an estate descended to the youngest son in preference to his older hrothers; the same iis "Borough-English. ’

As to‘ junior "Ban-ister," "Counsel," "Cred- itor," "Exeoution," "Judgment," and "Wi'it," see those titles.

JUNIPERUS SABINA. In medical ju-

risprudence. This plant is coinnioniy culled "savin."

JUNK-SHOP. A shop where old conrdage and ships' tackle, old iron, rags, bottles, paper, etc., are kept and sold. A place where odds and ends are purchased and sold. Charleston City Council v. Goldsmith, 12 Rich. Law (S. C.) 470.

JUNTA, or JUNTO. A select council for taking cognizance of affairs of great consequence requiring secrecy; a uilial or faction. This ivris a popular niclmame applied to the W'hig ministry in England, between 1693-1096. They clung to each other for mutual protection against the attacks of the so-called "Reactionist Stuart Party." JURA. Lat. Plural of "jus." Rights. laws. 1 Bl. Comm. 123. See Jos. —Jux-in fisealin. In English law. Fiscal rights; rights of the exchequer. 3 Bi nmm. 45.—Jura. In re. In the civil law. Rights in a thi -T; rights which, being separated from the dominiwm, or right of properly. exist independently of it, and are enjoyed by some other person than him who has the iiominiium. 1\I:iclield Rom. Law, § 2.57.—Juz-n majestatis. Rights of sovereignty or majesty; a term used in the