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endorsements. Fountain v. Bookstaver, 141 Ill. 461. 31 N. E. 17; Bang v. Riley. 101 Ga. 372, 29 S. E. 44, 40 L. R. A. 214; Bishop V. Chase. 156 Mo. 158, 56 S. W. 1080, 79 Am. St. Rep. 515.

ALLOT. To apportion, distribute; to di- vide property previously held i.u common among tlmse entitled, assigning to each his ral-lble portion, to be held in severalty; to set apart specific property, a share of in fund. etc. to a distinct party. Glenn 17. Glenn, 41 Ala. 582: Fort v. Allen, 110 N. C. 181. 14 S. E. 695.

In the law of corporations, to allot shares, debentures. etc.. is to appropriate them to the amulivants or persons who have applied for them; this is generally done by sending to t—.Ir'h applicant a letter or allotment, in- i'o"nnn: blni that a certain number of shares have been allotted to him. Sweet.

ALLOTMENT. Partition, apportion-

ment. division: the distribution of land under an inclosure act, or shares in a public nndr-rtahinz or corporation. —Al.lnhnenI: note. In English law. A writ- lnz by a seamnn, whereby he mnkes an assignmml of part of his wagres ll] favor of his wife. fnrher or mother, grandfather or grandmother, hrulhcr or sister. Every allotment note must in: in a tuna sanctioned by the board of trade. 'I'lm nliottee. that is, the person in whose furor n is mode, may recover the amount in the coun- i,\‘ ronrt Moziey lc W‘hitley.—AlI0trnenI: system. Designates the practice of dividing land in small portions for cultivation by agricultutal lam-rel-s and other cottagers at their leisure, and after they have performed their ordinary day's work \\ hnrton.—l'.‘.llotnnent warden. By the English general Inclosnre act. 1845, § 108, ml--n an allotment for the laboring poor of a district has been made on an iaciosnre under the act, the land so allotted is to be under the m'u1:1;.'cment of the incumbent and church war- -hn of the parish, and two other persons elect- ml by the parish, and they are to be styled "the allotment wardens" of the parish. Sweet.

ALLOTT1-IE. One to whom an allotment is made, who receives a ratahlc share under an ai"Ilment; a person to whom land under an |I(‘l0Sl1i'e act or shares in a public antler-\ll.I}.§ are allotted.

ALLOW. To grant, approve, or permit; as to allow an appeal or 11 mat-ridge: to allow nn il.C(]t Also to give a fit portion out of a larger property or fund. T1lI'll‘l.ll'li‘l v. .‘--V w-. 82 llil-:54. 204. 33 South. {H-L: Cham- l‘!-i‘l'lIlJ v. Putnam. 10 S. D. 300, 73 N. W ‘:4,-1: People v. Gllroy. 8'.’ Hun. 500. 31 N. Y. Supp. 776; Hinds v. Marmolejo. 60 Cal 2.ii: Straps v. Wanamaker, 175 Pa 213. 34 All. 652

ALLOWANCE. A deduction, an average pn_rment a portion assigned or allowed: the act or allowing.

—AIIownnce pendente lite. In the English clnmcery division, where property which forms the subject of proceedings is more than sufficient to answer all claims in the proceedings, the court may allow to the parties interested the whole or part of the income, or (in the ease of personalty) part of the prupeity it- self. St. 1'5 & Iii \ict r. 96. 5' 57: Daniel], Ch. Pr. 1070.—Specisl allowance . In 'ng- iish practice. In taxing the costs of an fltlillfl as between party and party, the taxing: nflit-or is. in certain cases. empowered to make sp="i:ll ‘allowances; i. 2., to allow the party costs which the ordinary scale does not warrant. Sweet.

ALLOY. An interior or cheaper metal mixed with gold or silrer in tnannfar-tnrin;: or coining. As respects coining, the amount of alloy is fixed by law, and is used to icnrease the hardness and durability of the coin.

ALLOYNOUR. L. Fr. One who cocneals, steals, or carries oif a thing privately. Britt. c. 17.

ALLUVIO MARIS. Lat. In the civil and old English law. The washing up of the sea: formation or soil or land from the sea; maritime increase. Hale, AnsL § 8. "Aliuriu maria is an increase of the land ad- joining, by the projection of the sea, casting up and adding sand and slubb to the adjoin- Lag land, whereby it is increased, and for the most part by insensibie degrees." Lialc, de Jnre Mar. pt. 1, c. 6.

ALLUVION. That increase of the earth on a shore or bank at :1 r1\ er, or to the shore of the sea, by the force of the water, as by a cuirent or by \\ ares, which is so gm dual that no one can Judge how much is added at etch moment of time. Inst. 1, 2, t. 1, § 20. Aug. Water Courses, 53. Jel1‘e1-is v. East Unmha Land 00., 134 U. S. 178, 10 Sup. Ct. 515. L. Ed. 872: Freeland v. Pennsylvania it. Co., 197 Pa. 5219, 47 AH. 7-15, 58 L. It. A. 206, 80 Am. St. Rep. 850.

The term is chiefly used to signify a grad- ual increase of the shore of a running stream, produced by deposits from the waters.

By the L‘IJl1Jil‘lUl.I law, ailution is the addition nude to Lind by the washing of the sea, or a navigable river or other stream. "henever the increase IS so gradual that it utnnot be perceived in any one moment of time. Lotingston v. St Clair County, 64 ill. 5*. 16 Am Rep. 516.

Allnvion differs from avalslon in this: that the latter is sudden and perceptible. St Clur Cnnnt_\ v. Lovingston, 23 "'aii. 46, 23 L. Ed. 59. See Avnnsxon.

ALLY. A nation wblch has entered into an alliance with another nation. 1 Kent, Comm. 69.

A citizen or subject of one of two or more allied nations.

ALMANAC. A publication, in which is recounted the days or the week. month, and year, both common and particular, distin-


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