Page:Bohemian poems, ancient and modern (Lyra czecho-slovanska).djvu/142

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A promise broken broke a heart,
Yet broke it to contain
More love than that of one dear bride.
And constant to remain.

In constancy and love he dwelt,
A brideless bridegroom aye,
Whose bride was false to plighted troth,
And said her promise nay.

He gaz’d upon her issuing forth
From the Cathedral door;
Her arm was in another’s link’d,
Another’s name she bore;

Her false lips wore a syren smile,
Her false hand wore the ring;
In sooth it was a woeful sight,
That tears to eyes might bring.

Quoth he, as softly pacing on
That fair deceiver smil’d,
‘Henceforth each widow is my wife,
‘Each orphan is my child.’

Thus was he wedded, yet unbound
In wedlock’s mystic tie,
And ever all his wedded life
Was purest charity.