Page:Bonny Mally Stewart (4).pdf/7

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(illegible text)'s no its loud roar on the wintry wind swelling,
It's no the cauld blast brings the tears i' my ee,
Nor O gi(illegible text)s w(illegible text)m bonuy Scots callan,
The mark says a' winter were simmer to me.


A wee bird came to our ha' door,
He warbled sweet and clearly,
As aye he o'ercame o' his sang
Wae(illegible text) Waes me for Prince Charly.
O! when I heard the bonny soun',
The tears cam happin' rarely;
I took my bonnet aff my head,
For weel I lo'ed Prince Charly.

Quoth I, My bird my bonny bonny bird,
Is that a sang ye borrow,
Are these some words ye've learnt by heart,
Or a lilt o' dool and sorrow.
Oh! no, no no the wee bird sang,
I've flown sin' morning early;
But sick a day o' wind and rain—
Oh! waes me for Prince Charly.

On hills that are by right his ain,

He roves a lonely stranger;