Page:Bonny lass.pdf/2

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Ance I lo'ed a bonny lassie,
lang I thought she'd be my ain;
Sometimes she was wond'rous saucy,
sometimes she was wond'rous fain;
She was fair, but unco fickle,
mair than ony e'er I saw;
Ilka rose it has a prickle,
but my Jenny she had twa.

She was charmin', gay and handsome,
(illegible text) like Burn's lovely Jean;
When she smil'd, 'twas heav'n to Johnny
but by smiles the heart's ne'er seen.
A hundred times she said she lo'ed me,
silly I believ'd it a';
Ilka rose it has a prickle,
but sause Jenny she had twa.

Thro' the bloomin' birks we've wander'd
never thought the time o'er lang;
Where the burnie rows we've daunder'd
listnin' to the birdies' sang,
Wha wou'd thought, in her fair bosom

Sic a marble heart cou'd be?