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463. H. (Eurynchium) pumilum. Wils. St. creeping, filiform; br. slender, sub-pinnate sub-complanate; l. minute ovate, shortly pointed, spreading sub-serrulate, faintly nerved half way; per. l. smaller, recurved; caps. short roundish ovate, cernuous; lid rather large, with an oblique beak.

Shady rocks and hedge banks. E. S. I. xi.

464. H. (Eurynchium) Stokesii. Turn. St. densely cæspitose, branches ascending, simple below, above densely pinnate and bipinnate; st. l. distant, acutely cordate, shortly acuminate, and triquetrous, recurved; br. l. ovate-lanceolate, erecto-patent, all thinly nerved, and serrate; caps. oblong ventricose horizontal, olive-coloured; lid with a long straight subulate beak from a conical base. (Syn. 562. Bry. Eur. v. 526.)

Stones and rocks in woods, &c. Autumn.

465. H. (Eurynchium) Swartzii. Turn. St. creeping, with short erect branches; l. uniform, ovate not acuminate, serrate, nerved more than half way; caps. roundish ovate, cernuous, reddish brown; lid with a long oblique beak.

Moist banks and rocks; frequent. XI.

Sub-genus VII. Hyocomium. St. prostrate; l. broadly obcordate, with a long apiculus, decurrent, shortly two-nerved; areolæ, above flexuoso-linear, middle narrowly rectangular, angles broadly hexagonal or rectangular; caps. on a thick seta, oval, turgid, cernuous; lid mammillate.

466. H. (Hyocomium) flagellare. Dicks. St. 1in. or more, arched pinnate; br. sub-fasciculate, recurved; st. l.