Page:Books from the Biodiversity Heritage Library (IA synopsisofbritis00hobk).pdf/187

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"H. pratense differs from above in its irregularly pinnate stems, more compressed foliage, l. lanceolate with a narrow point denticulate at apex, and the enlarged basal cells of same colour; not found in Britain."

521. H. arcuatum. Lindb. (H. pratense, var. β. Bry. Brit.] "L. more falcato-secund, scarcely complanate."

Clay soils, common.

Sect. VII. Prostrate or ascending, rooting, regularly pinnate; l. hamate, circinnato-secund; caps. cernuous, solid, lid convexo-conical.

522. H. molluscum. Dill. St. soft, 1-2in. sub-erect; l. circinnate secund; st. l. cordate; br. l. ovate-lanceolate—all tapering acuminate, striate, serrulate, and faintly two-nerved, crisped when dry; caps. ovate, horizontal; lid conical, large, sharply pointed.

Moist banks and limestone rocks, common. XI.

Sect. VIII. St. erect, rigid, villose, regularly pinnate; l. hamate; caps. oblong, incurved, solid.

523. H. Crista-castrensis. L. St. sub-erect, 3-4in. pectinate; st. l. ovate-acuminate, br. l. narrowly lanceolate-acuminate, strongly striate, serrulate near apex—all circinnato-secund, faintly two-nerved, margin reflexed; caps. oblong curved, cernuous, lid conical, pointed; dioicous.

Woods and alpine rocks. VII. VIII.

Sect. IX. St. soft cæspitose, prostrate, branched; l. falcato-secund, rarely spreading, faintly nerved; areolæ linear; per. l. long, deeply sulcate; caps. incurved cernuous, lid convexo-conical or mammillate.