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b. irregularly pinnate, l. patent, lid mammillate or shortly beaked.

540. H. (Hylocomium) umbratum. Ehrh. St. arched, sub-erect, with branched villi, irregularly bi-pinnate; l. yellowish green, glossy, cordate-acuminate, serrate, plicato-striate, nerve unequally bifurcate; caps. short, roundish, obovate, curved, cernuous; lid conical, acute: dioicous.

Alpine woods on stones. XI.

541. H. (Hylocomium) Oakesii. Sulliv. St. arched, irregularly and distantly pinnate, with branched villi; l. larger, elliptical, concave, not cordate, plicato-striate, serrate, and sharply acuminate, singly nerved half-way or shortly two nerved, margin recurved; per. l. squarrose; caps. roundish ovate, gibbous above, cernuous; lid conical, shortly beaked: dioicous.

Alpine rocks. Autumn (?)

542. H. (Hylocomium) brevirostre. Ehrh. St. 2-6in. arched, erect, with branched villi, irregularly bi-pinnate; st. l. distant, almost squarrose, plicato-striate, cordate, and suddenly acuminate; br. l. ovate-acuminate, not so suddenly acuminate, striate—all serrulate and two-nerved half-way; caps. roundish ovate, cernuous; lid conical, tapering into a rather long inclined beak: dioicous.

Mountainous woods. X. XI.

c. L. squarrose.

543. H. (Hylocomium) squarrosum. Dill. St. 2-3in. reddish, slender, more or less erect, irregularly pinnate; br. drooping; st. l. squarrose, recurved, ovate, gradually tapering and very acute, faintly striate below; br. l. nar-