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32 united two or four together, representing 16 or 8 plane teeth, inner of 8 or 16 cilia, alternating; calyptra small cucullate smooth oblique, lid obliquely rostrate; leaves minutely dotted. 97.

  • * Teeth 16 equidistant, simple, or nearly so.

[double dagger] Caps. pyriform or oval, erect or inclined.

Entosthodon (58). Caps. erect, pyriform, symmetrical; lid plano-convex, teeth short and broad triangular; calyptra inflated below, cucullate; leaves loosely reticulated. 127.

Mielichhoferia (53). Caps. pyriform, inclined or horizontal, on a slender curved seta; calyptra small, not inflated; teeth longer, linear-subulate, confluent and dilated at base.


Blindia (13). Caps. roundish, turbinate-erect; teeth 16 lanceolate, remotely barred, entire or perforate, sometimes cleft; calyptra angular at base, afterwards cleft on one side; seta short; perennial cæspitose. 39.

Seligeria (10). Caps. roundish pyriform, smooth, teeth lanceolate obtuse, sometimes perforate, without medial line; calyptra small cucullate; leaves setaceous; stems annual or biennial gregarious, not cæspitose. Infl. monoicous, terminal gemmiform. 37.

Brachyodus (9). See page 6.

Rhabdoweissia (7) Caps. shortly oval, eight-striate, wide mouthed, teeth lanceolate or subulate, barred, without medial