Page:Books from the Biodiversity Heritage Library (IA synopsisofbritis00hobk).pdf/42

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Sect. V. Stems growing by innovations, caps. therefore often apparently lateral, leaves narrow, almost setaceous.

36. P. nitidum. Hedw. L. generally erect, linear-lanceolate, keeled, sub-denticulate near apex, nerved (thin) nearly to summit; caps. elliptical, with a short oblique point, sometimes pendulous, on a short pedicel.

Moist banks, &c. Autumn, Spring.

37. P. subulatum. L. St. 1/8in. l. lanceolate, sharply tapering from a broadish base, not keeled, with a broad nerve ceasing near the apex; per. l. almost setaceous; caps. roundish-ovoid pale brown, immersed, on a very short pedicel.

Banks and fields, common. Spring.

38. P. alternifolium. Bruch. & S. St. sometimes with innovations, 1/2in. long, or more; st. l. lanceolate acuminate from a broad base; per. l. subulate-setaceous, with a thick nerve, excurrent and forming nearly the upper half of the leaf; caps. ovoid immersed, brownish, with an oblique point.

Banks and fallow ground. Spring.

Sect. VI. Stems perennial branched; leaves linear-lanceolate firm strongly nerved; caps. with traces of a dehiscent lid; barren fl. gemmiform, terminal on a branch or sometimes axillary.

39. P. crispum. Hedw. St. 1/4in. cæspitose; with fastigiate branches; l. lanceolate-subulate, grooved erect or spreading, margins involute, nerve excurrent; per. l. very