Page:Brinkley - Japan - Volume 6.djvu/378

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  • Confucianism, introduction, i. 76, 84; doctrine and influence, 85, 105, 127, 128, 252, ii. 172, 224, iii. 167, v. 131–136, 159, 289; and government, i. 129; and the vendetta, ii. 140; and patriotism, iii. 95; anti-feudal tendencies, 134, 138; preached, 143; political creed, 156; exposition, iv. 131, and divination, v. 221. See also Philosophy.
  • Constitution, promulgated, iv. 234; character, 236, 243; provisions, 238.
  • Cooking. See Food.
  • Costumes, primæval, i. 45, 48; personal ornaments not worn, 48; tattooing, 67, iv. 165; methods of dressing the hair, i. 107, 144, 209, 212, 225, ii. 92–95, 104, iv. 177–179, 183, 218; hats as insignia of rank, i. 107, 108, 141; male, in Nara epoch, 139; footgear, 140, ii. 99, iv. 178; sumptuary laws, i. 140–144, ii. 98, 99, iii. 143, iv. 157–161, 163; and rank, i. 142, 209, 213, ii. 91, 92; colour and rank, i. 143, 209, ii. 92; female, in Nara epoch, i. 143, 253; male, in Heian epoch, 208, 212; female, in Heian epoch, 209–212; treatment of the face, 212, ii. 91, 104, iv. 177–180; staining of the teeth, i. 212, ii. 92, 104, iv. 180; of Military epoch, ii. 91–99; development of the girdle, 95, iv. 179; hats of Military epoch, ii. 97; family badges, 98; and seasons, 103; modern conservatism in female, iv. 23; of Yedo court ladies, 176; feudal soldier's, 177; female, in Tokugawa epoch, 179–183; for various dances, vi. 80–82.
  • Court, imperial, early zeal for Buddhism, i. 92, 93, 97, 134, 181, 184, 251; lack of fixed residence, 131; necessity of a permanent capital, 132; etiquette of Nara epoch, 145; rank classification, 165; effeminacy and immorality in Heian epoch, 187; pastimes in Heian epoch, 190–195; vicissitudes in Military epoch, ii. 14, 29, 51–54, 58, 88; conditions in Tokugawa epoch, iii. 90, iv. 5–8; hereditary accomplishments, 5; Shintō ceremonials, v. 178–185. See also Aristocracy, Emperor, Shogun.
  • Courtesy, national characteristic, iv. 107–109.
  • Courts of law. See Justice.
  • Creation, theory, v. 108.
  • Crime, ancient category, i. 59, 60, 68; ronin, iv. 50; kōmuso, 51–53; modern criminal classes and systems, 79–91. See also Justice.
  • Customs, cleanliness, i. 64, 214, v. 126; hospitality, iv. 25; professional greetings, 87, 264; courtesy and conciliation, 103–109; vagaries, 162; fixity, vi. 32. See also Civilisation, Costume, Etiquette.
  • Daigo, emperor, superstition, i. 179.