Page:Buried cities and Bible countries (1891).djvu/26

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dynasties altogether; and the power of the kingdom was so far weakened that it was unable to keep out the invader. The Shepherd Kings, coming from Midian, or perhaps from Mesopotamia, established themselves in the Delta, and held possession for several centuries. Their conquest, however, did not extend to Upper Egypt, and so the native dynasties reigned contemporaneously, enthroned at Thebes, while the Hyksos kings were seated at Zoan.

It was probably towards the close of the Hyksos period that Joseph was made governor of Egypt, under the latest of the Shepherd Kings. The seventeenth dynasty saw the last of these foreigners, and after their expulsion the New Empire began, near the end of the eighteenth century before Christ. The eighteenth and nineteenth dynasties included several monarchs of great renown; and as the Israelitish sojourn falls chiefly within this period, it will be useful to give here a chronological list.

Monarchs of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Dynasties, with approximate dates, according to Brugsch.

Eighteenth Dynasty. B.C.
Aahmes, Amosis; its founder 1700
Amenhotep I. (Amenophis) 1666
Thothmes I. (Thotmosis) 1633
Thothmes II. and his sister-wife Hatshepsu 1600
Thothmes III.
Amenhotep II., Son of Thothmes III. 1566
Thothmes IV. 1533
Amenhotep III., Son of Queen Mutemna 1500
Amenhotep IV., afterwards called Khuenaten 1466
Nineteenth Dynasty.
Rameses I. 1400
Seti I. (Sethos) Menephtah 1366
Rameses II. (Sesostris) Miamun 1333
Menephtah II. (Menepthes) 1300
Seti II. Menephtah III., son of Menephtah II. 1266
Setnakht-Merer-Miamun II. 1233

Rameses II. was the Pharaoh of the Oppression; and the Israelites left Egypt in the reign of his successor, Menephtah.