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this meeting is over, a little bit later that night, around 10 o'clock?

Q Yes. Yes. He called me probably 10:00, 11:00, something like that, at night on my cell phone. He said that he had just received word that somewhere outside Atlanta there was a truck that was, in his words, "in the custody of an ICE agent" and that it contained shredded ballots and that this somehow was evidence of fraud.

So I said, "Well, Mr. President, if it's an ICE agent, understand, they don't belong to DOJ; they belong to DHS. And if they need anything from us, they know how to do that. So I'll just leave that to them."

And he said, "Okay, fine. That's fair. But do me a favor and make sure Ken Cuccinelli knows about it," because Ken was above ICE as part of the DHS leadership. So I said that I would pass that along to Ken.

I got in touch with Ken. I said, "I received a call from the President." He had the agent's name. I don't remember what the agent's name was, but it was something, a specific ICE agent down in Atlanta. I gave Ken the agent's name. I said, "This is what the President relayed. Do whatever you will with it. If you need help from us, let us know, but, otherwise, I'm leaving this with you." And he said, "Fine," and he took care of it.

Q All right.

Did you also then try to reach B.J. Pak, the then-U.S.-attorney in Atlanta?

A I did. I sent B.J. an email asking him to call me. He did call me. I told him about just the portion of the conversation that related to him.

He told me that, in fact, he did say that quote but that he had said it back in 2016 when he was serving in the Georgia legislature. He was critical of the President. But, nonetheless, he got the U.S. attorney job.

And I said, "Well, look, obviously, the President didn't know this. He was pretty