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said, "I'm not going to get into details. B.J.'s leaving. He's going to be out tomorrow. For whatever reason, the Presidents wants you to take over Northern District." I think we had to issue some sort of order or something. I said, "The administrative guys will take care of that first thing tomorrow morning. And just go up there and do whatever you see fit."

And he did. He spent a couple weeks up there. Ultimately, he concluded that the election matters that were brought to the attention of that office were handled appropriately, I guess. I don't want to speak for him, but I think that was generally what his impression was.

But one of those related to this truck. I don't think I'd talked to him about the truck that night because I think I'd probably talked to Bobby Christine before the President called me.

Q Yeah.

A But, within the next day or two, that came up, that this truck had been located. DHS had the truck. And DHS talked, I think, to FBI; they talked to the U.S. Attorney's Office. What do you do about this truck? And so now that was Bobby's issue.

And Corey Amundson, who was the head of PIN, was also down in Atlanta because the special election was taking place that day, that Tuesday. And so I basically said to them, "Look, you two are down there. You two know what we do and don't do. I trust your judgment. Figure it out. If you need something, let me know, but, other than that, I'm leaving this to you guys."

Q Yeah.

Yeah, there's an exhibit that I—Greg, I apologize—sent to you late last night because we just got an unredacted version. It's exhibit 58.