Page:CTRL0000034600 - Transcribed Interview of Richard Peter Donoghue, (Oct. 1, 2021).pdf/144

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A We got information through a number of sources. Primarily it came through the FBI. As I think I indicated earlier, we had regular meetings scheduled with the FBI throughout the week. We would also talk to them—I talked to Dave Bowdich several times a day at this point, I think. So the information flow was pretty free. But they did give us updates as we got closer to the 6th about what they were seeing in terms of intelligence.

We also got intelligence from other sources, such as Mike Sherwin, what he was hearing and seeing; DHS was doing intelligence; MPD was doing intelligence. So all these different law enforcement agencies who were working in conjunction in preparation for the 6th were doing intelligence and sharing it with one another.

Q So, turning to exhibit 30, there's a handwritten note that you have from the call with Michael Sherwin.

A Yes.

Q Do you remember who was on that call other than yourself and Mr. Sherwin?

A The DAG was on this call. I'm not sure if anyone else was, but it was at least the three of us.

Q So, in the handwritten notes, you say that the—I believe it says—suggests the crowd will be less than 10,000—is that right?—at that point on December 30th.

A Right. The first line says, "Social media suggests less than 10,000." And then underneath there it says, "Also looking at hotel reservations and travel."

Q Who provided the information about social media?

A Mike Sherwin did.

Q Was it your understanding that Michael Sherwin's office or the Washington Field Office had social media information about January 6th?