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what everyone else's responsibility was, did everyone understand what the agencies, sort of, to their left and right were doing.

And so we had sort of a discussion around the virtual table as to what we were doing to prepare for the 6th and to offer assistance to each other as needed.

Q Did DOD arrange this call and lead the call?

A I think they scheduled the call. I don't know that it was really led per se by anyone or any agency. But I remember DOD spoke first, and then we kind of went around the table saying, well, this is what DOJ's got, you know, we have X number of special operators, we have them in or near the city, if anyone needs help, just speak up—that kind of thing.

Park Police belong to Interior, so Interior talked about what the posture was of the Park Police. DHS talked about Federal Protective Service and how they were covering, you know, two or three dozen buildings within the city, and so on. So everyone kind of went around and talked about what they were doing to prepare for the 6th.

Q And who spoke on behalf of DOD?

A The Acting AG.

Q I'm sorry, on behalf of the Department of Defense, who do you remember speaking on that?

A Oh, I'm sorry, DOD. I thought you said DOJ.

Q That's okay.

A General Milley spoke at the outset. Acting Secretary Miller also spoke. There may have been others, but I specifically remember General Milley and Secretary Miller talking.

Q Did you have any conversations with the chief of staff for Mr. Miller, Kash Patel, at that time or any time?