Page:CTRL0000034600 - Transcribed Interview of Richard Peter Donoghue, (Oct. 1, 2021).pdf/26

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ahead and interview the witnesses. Ultimately, they did. I think they interviewed about a dozen witnesses who were at the facility that night. The interviews of the witnesses, the review of the video ultimately revealed that there was nothing nefarious. There was no evidence on the video that fraudulent ballots were smuggled into the facility.

The observers did leave early, but that was more a matter of confusion about how late the ballot counting would go on that night, and it didn't seem like there was anything nefarious it to.

So, ultimately, in this particular example, we were able to determine that the allegations were not well founded, and this is one of the examples that fed into AG Barr's view that he announced publicly that there was not evidence that there was fraud sufficient to change the outcome of the election.

Q I see. So the FBI looked into it, essentially found the allegation about fraud was unfounded and that the integrity of the ballots at the State Farm Arena was not infected with fraud?

A Correct.

Q Okay. Similar allegation arises in Michigan, if you could turn to exhibit 3.

A Yes. I have it.

Q Moving forward about a week, this is December the 14th. There's an email from Molly Michael to Jeff Rosen, and it attaches some talking points from Antrim County, Michigan. Do you recall getting this forwarded to you, Mr. Donoghue, and being familiar with both the allegation and then the subsequent investigation of the issues in Antrim County?

A I don't believe that DAG Rosen forwarded this email to me, but I did have the report itself separately. And what happened in this situation was I believe, on the 13th