Page:CTRL0000034600 - Transcribed Interview of Richard Peter Donoghue, (Oct. 1, 2021).pdf/50

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Q —call with Congressman—

A I'm sorry. He mixes this with some other allegations, which obviously relate to other States, where he's talking about what he was calling, you know, a dump of ballots in the middle of the night, things like that.

Q Yeah.

And you have a subsequent call with Congressman Perry about that, is that right, after this is over with?

AIt was later that night, because I was in the vehicle going back to Washington. And you'll see, I think, at the end of these notes from the 27th, the President asked for my cell number, which he already had anyway, but—and he said, you know, I might have people call you with evidence. Okay, fine.

Q Got it. All right. We'll get to that.

A And so the Congressman—

Q Yeah, we'll get to that. Let's just keep going through the notes. I wanted to make sure I was clear that that was all about Pennsylvania.

So I think you left off with Jim Jordan.

A Right. So he made a passing reference to Jim Jordan. He said, "That guy's a fighter."

He was saying how several people out there, Jim Jordan and others, were trying to find out what happened with regard to these various fraud allegations and that they were doing what they could but that their authority was limited, and so, you know, this is something the Department should be aware of, these are things the Department should be looking at.

So it says, "We're like a Third World country." He was essentially saying, you know, if our elections are not trustworthy, we will be relegated to Third World country