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way I do." I wrote that down in quotes. That's an exact quote from the President.

Q When you do write in your notes something in quotes does that reflect a verbatim quote from the President?

A Yes.

Q Okay. So he said, "You guys may not be following the internet the way I do," and you wrote it down as he said it.

A Yes.

Q Okay. Great.

Keep going.

A Then he went back to Detroit. He said in Detroit they "threw the poll watchers out." He was complaining, saying they're not allowed to do that, it's a violation of the law, they had violated the law all over the country.

He said, you "don't even need to look at the illegal aliens voting—don't need to. It's so obvious."

Then he was talking about the FBI. He said, the "FBI will always say there's nothing there. The leaders there oppose me; SAs," which means special agents, "support me." He didn't use the term "special agents," but he said, "the agents" or "the line guys," something like that, "support me." I just wrote that down as "SAs."

Q Yeah. He's claiming that the FBI leadership somehow is against him or isn't taking these claims seriously because they dislike him or they oppose him?

A Correct.

Q Was that consistent with your impression of Director Wray and the FBI leadership?

A No.

Q Okay.