Page:CTRL0000034600 - Transcribed Interview of Richard Peter Donoghue, (Oct. 1, 2021).pdf/61

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that at all.

I told him that there was "no multiple scanning of the ballots." One part of that allegation was that they were taking one ballot and scanning it through three or four or five times to rack up votes presumably for Vice President Biden. I told him that the video did not support that.

Then he went off on "double voting," at the top of the next page. He said "dead people" are voting, "Indians are getting paid" to vote. He meant people on Native American reservations. He said, there's "lots of fraud" going on here.

Then he said, in Arizona, "I only lost by 9,000 votes. There's clearly more fraud than that" just in Arizona alone.

Then he got into these civil cases that were being brought around the country, and he says—and I think this was in response to DAG Rosen saying, look, the Department has nothing to do with many of these allegations. To the extent you want to challenge the way that the election was conducted in various States—we understood that there were complaints about the rules being changed by certain State officials after the fact and that it was not done pursuant to State legislatures' power.

DAG Rosen tried to say, we, the Department, have nothing to do with that. You're free to bring lawsuits. Your campaign can bring lawsuits. That can be litigated before judges. But we, the Department, don't do that. We do, essentially, criminal investigations and civil-rights matters.

And so the President's response was, well, the "judges keep saying, where's the DOJ? Why is the DOJ not filing these cases?" And we both responded, "we," the Department, "are not in a position based on the evidence. We can only act on the actual evidence developed."

My next note says, "Told him flat out that much of the information he's getting is