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to Fulton County and check the signatures.

Q All right. Is this different—is this—you had said before that he was just talking about what people are saying. Is this now—and your quotes suggests this is what the President said, "I'd like to request"—him actually making a specific direction or request that the Department take some action?

A Yes, it's a specific ask. He asked that I go to Fulton County, Georgia, to participate in some sort of signature verification process.

I wrote it down in quotes. I thought it was interesting that he phrased it that way. It was, to some extent, an example of him recognizing that he can make requests, but he was not directing specific actions.

Q I see. Okay. So you interpreted that as a request, not a direction.

A Yeah, it was. And I didn't go to Fulton County. So I took it as a request, and I treated it as such. And there was no reason for me to go to Fulton County, so I didn't go.

Q Okay.

A And the DAG responded to that. He said something to the effect of, "We will take that into account," meaning, we will take your request into account.

Then he says—the President said something about, "These people who are saying that the election isn't corrupt are," themselves, "corrupt."

There's "not much time left."

He asked for my cell phone number, which, again, he already had. But he said, I may have people call you with relevant information. I said, that's fine. You know, people are free to provide whatever information they may have, and we will treat it accordingly.

Then he said, "Senator Johnson has done a great job getting to the bottom of