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because of that, I was basically involved in all the national security decisions and discussions held at the White House.

So I was not assigned in December. That is not a Senate-confirmed position. So just kind of roll in, became an AP, and picked up right away running those duties.

Q And I understand that you filled the role of acting National Security Advisor after Michael Flynn resigned. Is that right?

A That is correct. I was asked at that time by Reince Priebus. The day that Mike resigned, Reince came to me and said, "You are going to be the acting National Security Advisor." And very candidly,., my first response was, "Why isn't K.T. going to do that?"

You know, that would -- the normal progression is the National Security Advisor leaves, the Deputy National Security Advisors takes over. And they basically said, "We trust you, you've been with us a long time, we know who you are, we want you to elevate to that position until either you become the National Security Advisor or somebody else becomes the National Security Advisor and you revert to your position as Chief of Staff." So --

Q Did the President value your counsel on these issues?

A Well, I assume he did. The reason I make the assumption is he -- you know, very candidly, I'm the only national security guy that stayed for 1,461 days. Every day in the White House I was there. I'm the only national security adviser, anybody involved in the entire national security team with the assistant level, AP level, that stayed the entire 4 years.

Q And during --

A So I would assume,., he would say -- the assumption I will make is, yeah.

Q Sorry for jumping in there.