Page:Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam.djvu/14

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Res. No. 41/21-P

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  1. Reaffirms its strong commitment, in accordance' with article 6 of the "Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam", to the promotion and protection of the rights of women.
  2. Recoqnizes the rights of the child and the mother to enjoy special protection and also the right of every child due from parents, society and the state to be accorded proper nursing, education and material, hygienic and moral care.
  3. Urqes the international community to give priority to the rendering of appropriate assistance to children who are victims of hunger, disease, drought, and armed conflicts and to allocate adequate resources for this purpose.
  4. Requests the Secretary General to coordinate effectively the participation of the member states in the World Conference on Human Rights, and report to the Twenty-Second Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, the progress in implementation of the present resolution.
  5. Requests also the Secretary General to transmit this resolution along with the "Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam" to the Secretary General of the World Conference on Human Rights as a contribution of OIC to the Conference.