Page:Canadian patent 30172.djvu/2

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To all whom it may concern:

Be it known, that I, Nikola Tesla, of New York, in the County and State of New York, electrician, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Methods of and apparatus for converting and distributing electric currents, and I hereby declare, that the following is a full, clear and exact description of the same.

This invention relates to those systems of electrical distribution in which a current from a single source of supply in a main or transmitting circuit, is caused to induce, by means of suitable induction coils, a current or currents in an independent working circuit or circuits.

The main objects of the invention are the same as have been heretofore obtained by the use of these systems, viz: To divide the current from a single source whereby a number of lamps, motors or other translating devices may be independently controlled and operated by the same source or current, and in some cases to reduce a current of high potential in the main circuit to one of greater quantity and lower potential in the independent consumption circuit or circuits.

The general character of these devices is now well understood. An alternating current magneto-machine is used as the source of supply. The current developed thereby is conducted through a transmission circuit to one or more distant points at which the transformers are located. These consist of induction machines of various kinds; in some cases ordinary forms of induction coil